Marílio Wane

Researcher (INET-md - Instituto de Etnomusicologia - Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança / Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Marílio Wane, born on May 25, 1980, in Beira City, Mozambique, has a degree in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo (Brazil) and a Master's degree in Ethnic and African Studies from the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil). Since 2007, he has been working as a researcher in the area of ​​Ethnomusicology at ARPAC-Instituto de Investigacão Socio-Cultural, an agency under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Mozambique. In addition to his extensive experience in field research, in this period, he has developed several activities within the scope of the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage, in Mozambique as well as in Angola, Brazil, Zimbabwe and Algeria. Currently, he is taking a PhD in Musical Sciences at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal). Following his areas of thematic interest, he started to act, from 2018, as representative of the ICTM - International Council for Traditional Music in Mozambique.

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