Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo


Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (PhD King's College London, 2008) is an Associate Professor at the University of Coimbra (Faculty of Arts and Humanities) and a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Social Studies-University of Coimbra, Portugal. He is a Professor at the PhD Program Heritages of Portuguese Influence (III/CES), University of Coimbra (since 2012), of which he is scientific co-coordinator. He was a researcher at European University Institute (2008), a Visiting Assistant Professor at Brown University (2011 and 2012), a Visiting Scholar at King's College London (2012-2013), an Assistant Professor at the New University of Lisbon (Portugal), and Hélio and Amélia Pedroso/Luso-American Foundation Endowed Chair in Portuguese Studies (Spring 2019), at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (USA). Between 2009 and 2015, he was Research Fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon. His research interests focus on the comparative, connected and longue durée histories of imperialism and colonialism (18th-20th centuries), with a special focus on the diverse historical trajectories and configurations of the Portuguese colonial empire. Recently, he has been working on themes such as (1) the politics of difference in European colonial empires, namely about the ideological and institutional instruments of engineering and legitimizing the political and socioeconomic differentiation; (2) the historical intersections between internationalism(s) and imperialism(s) since the nineteenth-century, assessing the role played by internationalist and imperialist epistemic communities and pressure groups, including their interaction; (3) and the entanglements of idioms, programs and repertoires of development and modernization and of societal control and coercion at late European colonial empires, exploring the connected trajectories of late colonial repressive developmentalism. In 2010 he published Livros Brancos, Almas Negras. A "Missão Civilizadora" do Colonialismo Português, c. 1870-1930. In 2012 he published A Diplomacia do Imperialismo. Política e Religião na Partilha de África (1820-1890) and edited O Império Colonial em Questão. In 2014 he co-edited Portugal e o fim do Colonialismo. Dimensões internacionais and, in 2015, The ends of European colonial empires: Cases and comparisons (Palgrave) and Os passados do presente: Internacionalismo, imperialismo e a construção do mundo contemporâneo (Almedina). He recently published The "Civilizing Mission" of Portuguese Colonialism (c.1870-1930) (Palgrave, 2015) and, in 2017, he co-edited Internationalism, imperialism and the formation of the contemporary world. In 2019, he co-edited Resistance and Colonialism. Insurgent Peoples in World History. In 2020 he co-edited Education and Development in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa Policies, Paradigms, and Entanglements, 1890s-1980s (Palgrave) e Os Impérios do Internacional: Perspectivas, Genealogias e Processos (Almedina). He is presently writing An International History of Modern Colonial Labour (under contract). He coordinated the international collective research project "Internationalism and Empire: The Politics of Difference in the Portuguese Colonial Empire in Comparative Perspective (1920-1975)" and the research project "Change to Remain? Welfare Colonialism in European Colonial Empires in Africa (1920-1975)", both funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. He now coordinates the international research project "The Worlds of (Under)Development: processes and legacies of the Portuguese colonial empire in a comparative perspective (1945-1975)", also funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. He is also co-editor of two book series - "História&Sociedade" at Edições 70 (Portugal) and "The Portuguese Speaking World: Its History, Politics and Culture" at Sussex Academic (UK) - and of one peer-reviewed international journal - E-Journal of Portuguese History (Brown University).

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